Straight Curve - SC Film School - Film Review - Captain Phillips


>> "Captain Phillips (2013)"

So much hype surrounding this movie, 5 stars being thrown at it from everyone. So I'm expecting a lot going in. As I walked out though I just couldn't really fathom what all the fuss was about?

Here's what was good… Paul Greengrass is a remarkable fluid director and injects suspense into all his camera moves, we all know this. The Somalia non-actors were totally natural and believable. The suspense towards the end as the Navy Seals close in on their targets was great Zero Dark Thirty stuff.

Here's what I didn't like… Tom Hanks. I don't know when it was that I started going off his performances, around Road To Perdition I think (painfully miscast in that too) but after the two unwarranted Oscars he seemed to become this Hollywood royalty that put out a film every 1-2 years and we're all supposed to bow down to it whatever it is (Cloud Atlas anyone? Miscast more than once in the same film). And in this I thought he just phoned it in with a laugh out loud piece of emotional release at the end which I did not believe at all.

Maybe it was his pretentious Oscar speech for Philadelphia that started the rot. He just seemed to go from great comedy actor to this Perceived Great Actor and I didn't buy it and I don't in this film.

Its also paints the pirates as so naïve towards the end, just beyond credibility that they would be that easily hoodwinked.

2/5 – I want Tom Hanks from 'Splash' back, back when he was hungry and exciting to watch.